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Thread: How many Poles does it take to change a lightbulb ?

  1. #1

    How many Poles does it take to change a lightbulb ?

    just the one and he's on time and such a hard worker..lovely man

  2. #2

    +ve and -ve or it won't work anyway

  3. #3

    are the 've's not superfluous here, like the N in 'PIN'?

  4. #4

    I think in America the Pole jokes are their version of Irish jokes in the UK.

  5. #5

    you dumb Polak etc...well I guess the irish moved to usa and needed to

    find someone they found thicker than them

  6. #6

    Q - are the 've's not superfluous here A = -ve Shake head

    And why would the N be superfluous in PIN?

    PIN is a Personal Identification Number.

    It's not a word, phrase, fingerprint or image so the N is entirely appropriate imvho

  7. #7

    Well no, '-' is negative, '+' is positive

    I likened it to the PIN thing because everybody, even the f**king bank machines, refers to it as a PIN Number.

  8. #8

    2 positive 2 = 5 does it? hehe

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