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Thread: modd have you ever considered writing to Arsene to ask if you can assist with half time talks?

  1. #1

    modd have you ever considered writing to Arsene to ask if you can assist with half time talks?

    I think you would do a marvellous job inspiring the boys if things were going pear shaped or any of them needed pepping up.

  2. #2

    All i ever be good at is passion side of it but i think

    in football coaching their want a little bit more then that. other stuff i be useless act like being able to play football or tactics.

  3. #3

    Thats all you would need to do. You would be one of Arsene's tools he could pull out of his pocket

    Say Ramsey is having a shocker. He sends you a text message asking you to attend the dressing room immediately to give Rambo a pep talk. Maybe show him your awimb posts from your smartphone?

  4. #4

    Well not sure my posts on awimb inspire him but

    seeing a supporter pump him up is bound to help

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