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Thread: :baghdad: :baghdad: :baghdad: :baghdad: :baghdad: :baghdad: :baghdad: :baghdad: :baghdad:

  1. #1

    :baghdad: :baghdad: :baghdad: :baghdad: :baghdad: :baghdad: :baghdad: :baghdad: :baghdad:

    "I did not even have time to pack so my dad is sorting all that out," Özil said, before adding: "The transfer fee has nothing to do with me. I would have joined Arsenal on a free.


  2. #2

    Why is everyone making such a fuss out of this. A player has never had a say in his transfer

    fee. That is between club and club.

  3. #3

    Ozil is my hero already. he doesn't even need to play a single game.

  4. #4

    knock down the Chapman statue and get him in imo

  5. #5

    And signing him for free is not a possibility.

    it's just a nice thing he's said.

    I wonder if we will remember this if at some point he is looking for a wages increase.

  6. #6

    Can you imagine if he just turns out to be a bit **** here. Like Veron.

    Great player but never took to England.

  7. #7

    I hope someone has told him that the shops close at 5 and that it rains a lot

    And that we don't take siestas. Don't want another Spanish one crying off back home that it's so different in England.

  8. #8

    He won't r. Veron didn't fit in because of the type of player he was

    Mesut is just f**king amazing

  9. #9

    too much lettuce in your salads, as well Nod

  10. #10

    The more I think about it, the more mental Perez must be

    Bale has had 2 good games against Inter and one season of bale-ing out spurs and cost ¤100m.

    Ozil playing in European Championships, World Cups, consistently in Champions League for one of (if not) the world's biggest clubs and cost less than half a Bale.

    and they're the same age..........

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