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Thread: Could it be that the Wenger out brigade may actually take credit for this spend of ours.

  1. #1

    Could it be that the Wenger out brigade may actually take credit for this spend of ours.

    Maybe they think our moaning has worked!

    Everyone is having a bash at it. Payton's mob the same. I am sure their stupid letter solved everything.

  2. #2

    Tim Payton is probably doing that right now

  3. #3

    He was moaning yesterday that we had not spent all of the money available.

  4. #4

    I don't doubt it for a moment. They are deluded enough to believe AW actually cares what they think.

  5. #5

    How does he know what is available?

  6. #6

    Well he doesn't - but he wanted all profits invested in the team.

  7. #7

    I would imgaine the business has other overheads apart from players

  8. #8

    Well quite - a point which seems to have eluded him Shrug

  9. #9

    I want him crushed by a steamroller

  10. #10

    Bunch of small cocks

    Dont give them the pleasure

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