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Thread: hehe Well done monty. You continue to fight the good fight.

  1. #11

    Remember when we hardly ever talked about football on here? It was more recipeWIMB.

  2. #12

    I think what I like best about AW is that he has utter contempt for what Arsenal fans think.

    Actually, I don't even think that's true. I don't think it's even that he doesn't care what they think. I don't think he has ever spent any time at all worrying about what fans think - they are simply an irrelevance to him.

    This endears him to me.

  3. #13

    Hahah, I can completely understand that. It's how I approach

    my music too, although we only have a few thousand fans, compared to AW's millions of aficionados and haters. If you compare it to music, you do what you feel is right and f**k everyone else. If it comes out great and everyone likes it, then even better. If not, tough tits. We don't charge 100 quid for tickets though and our band is our band, Arsenal isn't solely the manager's property.

  4. #14

    Yes, but equally, you don't have tens of thousands of people who'll keep turning up and paying

    whilst also booing your act. AW does. As long as people keep paying, why should he give a flying one what they think?

  5. #15

    I've always found that quite sick tbh. Booing your own team at the actual game is

    pretty sick. Unless they were made up of 11 Nasri's or something. I've never done it, no matter how pissed off I may have been. Rant and rave all you like on the internet - big deal, no one gives a f**k, it's a platform/soapbox for the modern day idiot as it is.

  6. #16

    We cant spend like Southampton, let alone Chelsea or Man City

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