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Thread: Got to say one thing about the Spurs signings it puts to bed the arguments

  1. #1

    Got to say one thing about the Spurs signings it puts to bed the arguments

    of last season where we said it was vital to be in the CL to attract top pleyers.

  2. #2

    That's just another Wenger excuse, clubs without CL football have been signing top players for

    donkeys years.

  3. #3

    No many of us including me were saying that was why it was important to qualify

    also the money you get as well of course

  4. #4

    Does it? Oh, good.

  5. #5

    They haven't signed one player that would be considered top quality. They're all from outside the

    Premier League as well. These things don't always work out.

    Arsenal will finish above Spurs this season - mark these words. And it will be for no other reason than we have a manager many times better than their's.

  6. #6

    What are you basing your assumption that they are top players on?

    The transfer fee?

    None of them have played for top sides in top leagues and proved themselves yet. None of them have a lot of international caps to their name (Paulinho 18, Capoue 7, Soldado 11, Chadli 14).

    How do you know they are top players?

  7. #7

    The money side can't be argued against,

    it's *******s though that top players won't sign for clubs who are not in the CL league.

  8. #8

    Fúck spurs. They are of no interest whatsoever.

  9. #9

    I'm quite interested in the result of their match on Sunday week

    And by interested, I mean "****ting my hebrew y-fronts"

  10. #10

    Because I have seen a couple of them play, funny enough. a couple of them are very

    good players. I'm grown up enough to be able to accept this.

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