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Thread: As much as I worship and fetish-adore all of you, i miss the following people

  1. #1

    As much as I worship and fetish-adore all of you, i miss the following people

    greg mitchell
    strongarm george
    herbie - where the f**k is he?
    save the no6

    not really that bufoon what was his name, aaargh cant remember now, neg called him out revently on another of his new names - Bunnell!

  2. #2

    who the fvck cares? piss off. we have alcohol, we're fine.

  3. #3

    herbie still here lots, mohamuud is bunnell,

  4. #4

    eh? i have alcohol too, you utter mong! i also have a loose girlie and some

    very good drugs coming too.....records, bourbon and a whore.....hwatever made you think you have any say in this?

  5. #5

    According to Bunnell Arteta is a "mid-tier" playmaker Smile

  6. #6

    Mo isn't Bunnell. Nono

    Bunnell has been around though.

  7. #7

    Where's Quincy then?

  8. #8

    Isn't he? i thoguht he was..fair do's

  9. #9

    Probably one of our many occasional trolls.

    Perhaps he'll show up here for this Fenerbatchy game, taunting us with his scimitar.

  10. #10

    well, don't be bringing up these oldtimers then. we live in the NOW. get it?

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