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Thread: DilemmaWIMB. Going to my girlfriends parents for midsummer eve and was just told

  1. #1

    DilemmaWIMB. Going to my girlfriends parents for midsummer eve and was just told

    The menu will mostly be made up of fish. Salmon pie, little fish things on toast. I f**king hate fish unless it's in the shape of a finger and covered in breadcrumbs. Do I politely decline the food being served from the outset or suck it up and run the risk of leaving a plate full of food that I couldn't stomach?

  2. #2

    Why not mention, now, that you don't really like fish and that you hope that that isn't a problem?

  3. #3

    Stick on some fake donkey ears and say you're off to join the queen of the fairies?

  4. #4

    Done that already. There will also be chicken, but her mum is one of those ones who likes

    You to try her cooking.

  5. #5

    Just say 'dirty animals, dont eat fish, the sea is where everyone chucks their ****'

    This tactic cannot fail to endear you to the notably fond of fish norwegians.

    Also, say something about how Sweden is much better and that the Norwegians are just lucky that they have the oil money or they would basically be like the Finns.

  6. #6

    Just try it? I had to go through all this and turned out that I actually liked most of it

  7. #7

    Just man up and give it a go - it's not going to f**king kill you, you big tart.

  8. #8

    Probably time to dump the gf if you're expected to go through that sort of thing.

  9. #9

    Meeting the parents or eating?

  10. #10

    The former, they won't mind.

    You will also find that your case will be furthered by drinking heavily in advance of your arrival at this soiree.

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