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Thread: Our first 9 matches, should yield 27 points

  1. #1

    Our first 9 matches, should yield 27 points

    Villa (H)
    Fulham (A)
    Spurs (H)
    Sunderland (A)
    Stoke (H)
    Swansea (A)
    WBA (A)
    Norwich (H)
    Palace (A)

  2. #2

    Higuain, Theo and Santi should all be well on the way to project 20/20/20 by then as well imo.

  3. #3

    :trophy: smiley gets dusted down

  4. #4

    Fellaini and Rooney will also get 20 each.

  5. #5

    Token: Higuain will be lucky to get 20 goals in Serie A, post

  6. #6

    10 points from safety Clound Nine

  7. #7

    If only Serie A could afford him.

  8. #8

    24 imo Smile

  9. #9

    27 points for us or the opposition?

  10. #10

    agree could not ask for better set of fixtures. last

    two year had very tough starts. great chance to have very strong start to the season

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