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Thread: I've just eaten the mother of all bacon sandwiches.

  1. #11

    I'm bloating up now. I think I have intolerances.

    Or it could be water retention.

  2. #12

    Never really seen the attraction of dying on the job. It's hardly the act of a caring lover to cark

    it mid-thrust, is it? Plus it's likely to put her off for yonks.

  3. #13

    It's probably the champagne. All that gas. Perhaps a comfortable vomit would help?

  4. #14

    Perhaps he refers to 'la petite mort'?

  5. #15

    I rather overdid things last night, I fear. My humours are overwhelmingly bilious this morning.

  6. #16

    Speak for yourself. There's nothing petite about my morte, I can assure you.

    Strange that it should be feminine, really, isn't it?

  7. #17

    A surfeit, eh? I was dragged into Holland & Barret the other dayn where they were selling a thing

    called Milk Thistle that claimed to clear out the liver after over-indulgence. It sounds spiffing. Amazing that medical science hasn't come across this wondrous cure, imo.

  8. #18

    Textbook. Knew I could rely on you.

  9. #19

    I've got to choose the colour scheme for my car this week.

    The kit's due in September

  10. #20

    I've just put the engine and ECU from one car together with the fusebox and body electronics of

    another, all controlled by our own software.

    Started first time

    I've been utterly insufferable about it all week :smug*******:

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