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Thread: I've just eaten the mother of all bacon sandwiches.

  1. #1

    I've just eaten the mother of all bacon sandwiches.

    3,000 calories, I reckon.

    f**k it.

  2. #2

    As long as you enjoyed the moment on the lips Sir C, that is all that matters.

  3. #3

    How many times do I have to tell you? Calories are meaningless.

    The bread is the problem. It was white, wasn't it? And as glycaemic as you like?


  4. #4

    Frown I think you chaps should take that sort of talk to PM, tbh.

    Not that there's anything wrong with it, of course. Perfectly acceptable lifestyle choice and all that.

  5. #5

    Bloody well better have been white bread.

    Not sure I want to be sharing a board with the type of chap who'd have a bacon sarnie on brown bread. Dear me, no.

    Might as well grill the bacon and have done with it.

  6. #6

    I agree. Rye bread is great, but no use for sandwiching anything other than salt beef.

  7. #7

    Thick white bread. A 3mm layer of slightly salted butter. Fried bacon.

  8. #8

    Or put tomato sauce on

  9. #9

    The butter and the bacon won't make you fat. They probably won't even clog your arteries that much.

    Refined carbohydrates my friend: these are the enemies.

  10. #10

    well played old boy

    no need for tears, that's as good a way to go as a post coital heart seizure.
    Never mind all these food Nazis and exercise flunkies,always remember two things and you'll be fine.

    Slice your butter, don't spread it
    Never ever ever remove the fat from anything your going to put in your mouth.

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