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Thread: Just watching the Panorama on N Korea. Apparently they see themselves as the master race hehe

  1. #1

    Just watching the Panorama on N Korea. Apparently they see themselves as the master race hehe

    Aren't Korean men meant to have, on average, the smallest *****es of any race? Something around 3.5 inches, according to my 'sources'.

  2. #2

    No wonder he's a bit fighty, poor ********.

  3. #3

    North Korea lost the plot. if they the us

    they be blown away quicker then it takes to bite into a hamburger

  4. #4

    very true

  5. #5

    Only a few million would die then. Nothing to worry about really.

  6. #6

    of course its something to worry about if it happened

    but thats why north would never try it on. they know the horrible cost to their own people if they do try it on.

  7. #7

    In that case I must be part Korean.

  8. #8

    Don't a lot of Americans think the same?

  9. #9

    Master race? We are the wretched refuse of the world.

    Nobody wanted us, or our ancestors at some point. Ask the 50'000 Bosnians now in St. Louis if they feel like a master race.

  10. #10

    I, for one, am the worst mutt you will meet

    Pretty much a mix of everything, the most of which is 1/4 Sioux, but that's undocumented as well. There's the surname Claunche in there, which unfortunately means some French is in there.

    Master Race my questionably derived arse.

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