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Thread: In terms of zealotry and impact Thatcher was like a 20th century Oliver Cromwell...

  1. #1

    In terms of zealotry and impact Thatcher was like a 20th century Oliver Cromwell...

    and at least after Cromwell died we got to dig up his bones and have him hung, drawn and quartered.

    ...if we are not to have this happy public spectacle this time then at least we should be thankful, I suppose, that unlike Cromwell, Thatcher was not followed into power by her offspring.

  2. #2

    Blair and Cameron would disagree with that last bit

  3. #3

    Hmmmm. By 'we', I take it you mean supporters of absolutist monarchy?

    Because those were the people who dug Cromwell up, y'see? Never had you pegged as one of those, tbh, but you live and learn.

    Or perhaps you're just historically and ideologically illiterate?

    I wonder which.

  4. #4

    Nepotism gone mad?

  5. #5

    i have mixed views on her but do not see need for such

    Expensive funeral. Why not keep it private.

  6. #6

    Thumb Up The Rees-Mogg, Miliband and Benn families like this post

  7. #7

    they are both worser then her in a way

    At least she never made out she like everyone unlike them.

  8. #8


  9. #9

    I've often wondered about the whole monarchy hokey-cokey

    I think it's basically just the reactionary/contrarian nature of the british people.

    Fundamentally we lack imagination but give us something to kick against and we're as happy as pigs in ****.

  10. #10

    Aren't we the most creative, inventive race on the planet though?

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