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Thread: This media /press regulation thingy being discussed in the commons now....can I be

  1. #1

    This media /press regulation thingy being discussed in the commons now....can I be

    Clued in as to what they want to do?

  2. #2

    Isn't that an oxymoron? BB, clued in

    Its Jenko time

  3. #3

    Labour and the Lib Dems want a regulator with statutory powers

    The Tories want one with a mandate drawn from a royal charter, mostly as they're realised all of their friends and allies will desert them if they went for proper regulation.

    Now the Tories have realised how weak their position is and have suddenly decided to make a deal.

  4. #4

    Slippery slope that imo...if they break a law, then prosecute them fully

    But I don't see the need for the govt to be involved, other than that.Having said that, I would love to see the likes of piers Morgan do time for that hacking nonsense

  5. #5

    No, you're right. Self-regulation has worked perfectly well up until now

    I mean, what with the wholesale corruption of the Metropolitan Police, the widespread breaking of the law by the whole of the press and the way that even the most explicit guidelines were ignored on a daily basis, it's worked so well thus far.

    This is a problem with the whole dumbed down libertarian rhetoric, it's often as blindly idealistic and impractical as the socialist worker party. A free press, as with free markets, is not only a practical impossibility but would be monumentally dangerous.

  6. #6

    I will do more research on the whole affair Thumb Up

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