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Thread: Speaking of doping, how the hell do penguins propel themselves out of water onto land like that?

  1. #1

    Speaking of doping, how the hell do penguins propel themselves out of water onto land like that?

  2. #2

    These little c**ts crack me up. The way they waddle hehe

  3. #3

    They have a top secret Russian propulsion system Nod

    Or it's their flippers

  4. #4

    I liked it when all the others went into the sea apart from the robot penguin with the camera

    who just stood there awkwardly pretending he wasn't a confident swimmer.

  5. #5

    hehe One just fell down the gap between two rocks hehe

  • #6

    My cat is utterly captivated. He just went round the back of the TV

    to see if he could find the little c**ts.

    Btw, your TV must be about 20 seconds ahead of mine. As I read your post he fell down the rocks.

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