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Thread: Just hold on a dang second here. Someone's gotta defend Chief

  1. #11


    It happens where nutjobs want it to happen regardless of gun laws.

    Maybe they should focus on other things to prevent this from happening.

  2. #12

    Of course they should - better social safety nets, especially for mental health problems,

    would make a world of difference. But, again, this doesn't invalidate the point that better gun laws would help reduce the impact of these events when they happen.

  3. #13

    How do you account for the alarming regularity of US gun-murders?

    There's been a number this week, not just the school massacre.

    The second amendment indoctrinates gun culture in US society, along with 'libertarian values'.

  4. #14

  5. #15

    it is the fact they are crazy..switzerland has highest gun ownership and no problems

    its a mixture of the national US pscychie and the fact that the US pharmacutical drug co's are allowed to peddle mind bending addictive crap to kids and palm it off as being helpful when in fact it drives some kids more psycho

  6. #16

    How do you know it wouldn't have happened with stricter gun laws?

    The guns are available so they pick those tools. Utøya showed that a reasonably intelligent nutcase would get hold of his tools anyway. So have several nasty incidents in Finland.

    Do you know which kids get help in school? Those with adhd. Why? Because they bother other kids, they cause trouble in class and disturbance. The once they don't help are those who struggle in silence. But they know about them, they just don't care. And if the kid's parents are not extremely resourceful, the won't get any help.

  7. #17

    Yeah, fair enough.

    I touched on it in another thread earlier, social inequality and changing demographics (and along with medicinal [or lack of] hindrance, as you say), have a major are the main causes of such irrational reaction.

    China too is having the same problems due to what I mentioned above, IMO.

  8. #18

    Yes the Swiss own guns but a) not multiple b) it's because they don't have a standing army and

    therefore healthy (including mentally healthy) citizens are all part of their standing army and most importantly c) they don't actually have any ammo, it's all held at special bases

  9. #19

    And also they are f**king dull

  10. #20

    Not their knives, though.

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