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Thread: Just hold on a dang second here. Someone's gotta defend Chief

  1. #1

    Just hold on a dang second here. Someone's gotta defend Chief

    once in a while.

    US liberal gun law is used as a cause of the killings this weekend. What was the cause of the Utøya massacre then? It was done in the LEAST gun liberal country in the world.

    I've never been pro guns. But it got me thinking. This maniac was out on an island, with an automatic gun, shooting sitting duck. What if one or two of the adults out there had been armed and trained to use a gun?

    a) Would ABB have taken the chance to start his killing spree?
    b) Would he have managed to murder more than 60 kids before someone had planted a bullet in his chest?

  2. #2

    It's a hell of a lot harder to perform a massacre using multiple guns

    if you limit access to multiple guns!

    then again, if they want to argue about their 18th century constitutional rights then leave them to it, not our problem.

  3. #3

    This isn't Die Hard, Guns.

    If anyone is claiming that liberal gun laws are the cause of the attack on the school, then they're delusional. However, they sure as hell exacerbate the problem.

    But both sides on the argument in America are so f**king entrenched, it's impossible to have a reasoned argument. On one side - "all gunz are TEH EVVVVIILLLLLL" - on the other - "gun controls won't stop EVERY SINGLE SHOOTING therefore they have no use at all".

    It's fairly clear that there are useful measures that can be introduced to partly address the problem here, but neither side will have any truck with anything other than total control or (practically) no control.

  4. #4

    Ultimately you can't legislate for nutjobs.

    I was wondering this morning, after very nearly getting run over by a cyclist charging through a red light (this happens at least once a week) whether violent cycle crime of this nature could be reduced if the good citizens were allowed to carry guns.

  5. #5

    Exactly my point. The statistics based arguments to ban

    guns based on what happened in the US work against you if you look at Utøya or other scandy massacres (Finland).

  6. #6

    Numbers and regularity, Guns

  7. #7

    ...or if they banned bicycles...

  8. #8

    What? This is exactly the f**king argument I'm talking about.

    It happened once in a country with tight gun laws, therefore gun laws are useless.


  9. #9

  10. #10

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