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Thread: Indifferent AW on Abou Diaby's injury…

  1. #1

    Indifferent AW on Abou Diaby's injury…

    "Slow progress. I cannot give you any fixed date because we are a bit in no man's land on that front. He is working. We are waiting for him to come back but he is not ready."

  2. #2

    f**king wasteman.

  3. #3

    He's telling the truth, refreshing and a wise move at this time - press are all over him

  4. #4

    What an absolute arsehole of a human - worse than Hitler, if Hitler also fúcked children.

  5. #5

    Me or Diaby?

  6. #6

    Could you clarify what you are saying exactly? Just so I can forward it to the appropriate quarter.

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