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Thread: So, Who out of the current squad would you like to go to a pub with and get trollied?

  1. #1

    So, Who out of the current squad would you like to go to a pub with and get trollied?

    I vote Per. I bet he gets mental.

    Schshzhhsney- Cant handle his drink
    Sagna- Jealously texting his missus every thrity seconds
    TV5- Lectures on the art of of mayonnaise
    Per- Mental
    Kos- Looks up to Per, tries hard.Good lad
    Gibbs- Sits awkwardly in the corner rubbing his knee
    Arteta- puts spraklers in everything
    Podolski - Annoying drunk, sinister glares. Slightly mental
    Santos- Juggles peanuts
    Giroud- Cant help but stick his ***** in his G&T
    Walcott- Stalls on what to drink, chooses lemonade. Cnut.
    Cazorla- still coming back from South America.

  2. #2

    Emma Byrne

  3. #3

    You're worse than Dave Lee Travis

  4. #4

    Any of them as long as they get their round in

    and bring their missusses along

  5. #5

    Because I have chosen a beautiful lady? Perhaps you have a problem Shrug

  6. #6

    I'd like to take Giroud up the Oxo tower

    for a romantic cocktail overlooking the Thames

  7. #7

    You should be ashamed of yourself you dirty old man

  8. #8

    But I have been a dirty old man since I was 6, will never change

  9. #9

    But things were different in those days... women couldn't vote

    Queen Victoria was on the throne

  10. #10

    I remember her well

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