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Thread: Playing anyone but Santos at LB v Schalke is akin to an admission fro AW that he is not up to it

  1. #1

    Playing anyone but Santos at LB v Schalke is akin to an admission fro AW that he is not up to it

    therefore won't happen

  2. #2

    But is it the right thing to do?

    Probably not. Santos plays, we deal with it.

    I dont give us much hope of getting a result out there anyway. f**k it.

  3. #3

    Gibbs is back.

  4. #4

    More to the point, Jenkinson deserves to be in the team. So play either him or probably Sagna at LB

  5. #5

    I don't see it that way at all, selection should be based on performance and

    he has been responsible for the goals conceded v Norwich and Schalke and wasn't that clever v ManU

  6. #6

    bullet dodged if thats true

  7. #7

    We did this last week. No he isnt. Nor is the keeper, nor is diaby

    You will see father christmas before any of them. And in diiaby's case, more often.

  8. #8

    Play Santos at left mid because Podolski isnt up to it more to the point.

    wingers with penetration, a novel idea.

  9. #9

    bullet undodged. As you were Arsene.

  10. #10

    The keeper has been taking part in training since last monday.

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