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Thread: ..yeah what a c**t i told him -i dont want yours....

  1. #1

    ..yeah what a c**t i told him -i dont want yours....

  2. #2

    when we were told about the move away from Highbury it was sold

    to us as the only possible way we would be able to compete with the top clubs. Back then that pretty much meant Man Utd.
    This year, 6 years after moving in, we sold our only world class player for a pittance to the very club our increased revenue was supposed to allow us to be competitive with and are now competing only with the rest for mid table supremecy.

    It is time for change.

    And if anyone actually believes the enforcemant of FFP will make a difference ask yourselves how effective the game rulers have been when dealing with enforcing change in other aspects of the game. The wealthy clubs have always wagged the dog, never the other way around.
    So for our club to be relying on aspects outside their sphere of influence for success is probably the most naive thing I've heard since the story of the frog and the scorpion crossing the river.

  3. #3

    Just wait until we renegotiate the kit deal. United will be ****ting themselves then IMO.

  4. #4

    I wouldn't say £24 million for a player in the last year of his contract is a pittance imo.

  5. #5

    offset the two points it cost us yesterday for starters

  6. #6

    but you would agree that situation should never have been allowed to occur

  7. #7

    Seeing it now, it does feel regrettable Frown

    Can't deny I'm massively upset at the way things are unfolding this season.

    Not as staunch a defender of AW as I once was, that's for sure.

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