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Thread: Peter Hill Wood comes across as a right cranky old c**t in the agm notes..needs a smack from a

  1. #1

    Peter Hill Wood comes across as a right cranky old c**t in the agm notes..needs a smack from a

    leeds fan imo

  2. #2

    Watched Gervinho play lone striker on Wednesday imo

    couldn't believe we have stooped so low. "Whats next?", he was thinking.
    Jenko up front.

    Now theres an idea.

  3. #3

    Anything is better than the strange heeded one do his headless chicken routine again.

  4. #4

    I hope Sagna takes his place in the team...just to piss you off

  5. #5

    Sagna. Sold in the summer to Man City.

    Jenko will not be moved.
    unless playing behind Rambo does his head in and he is suspended for nutting him.
    Jenko wants the Ox back.

  6. #6

    He made me laugh. "Against? Same lot." hehe

  7. #7

    Junks could play anywhere.

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