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Thread: How private is it using the works free wifi to my phone?

  1. #1

    How private is it using the works free wifi to my phone?

    can they log in and find out what sites i go to etc?

    not that i watch porn at just curious

  2. #2

    If they could which I don't think they can. You can deny it's your phone

    just don't have your phone named 'CLIFF'S PHONE'

  3. #3

    One of the IT bods at my previous workplace reckoned he could find out the passwords

    of all the sites that people went into on their phones in the wifi area for things like Facebook etc.

    So I'd guess finding out visited websites would be a doodle by comparison.

  4. #4

    Is it Cliffs Ports or Cliff Sports?

  5. #5

    they can very easily Wink its probably illegal but that wont stop them

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