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Thread: One's attention has been drawn to this quote from a popular womens' magazine:

  1. #1

    One's attention has been drawn to this quote from a popular womens' magazine:

    Aber egal, ob nun ein Bier oder zwei: Genießen kann man's in jeden Fall, und das sogar sehr lange, denn derart geringe Alkoholmengen schützen das Herz und verlängern das Leben.


  2. #2

    I saw a picture of a cat stuck in a rolled up rug, with headline "carpet tunnel syndrome"

    Off topic, I know - but made me laugh. Simple, but effective humour.

  3. #3

    WD Germans womens' magazine.

  4. #4

    That's in Furrin, red. What does it say?

  5. #5

    I'm not entirely sure, to be honest. However the upshot is, I'm told,

    drink is good.

  6. #6

    That's how I read it.*

    *Well Google translate tbh.

  7. #7

    beer is good for the heart?

  8. #8

    I'll drink to that.

  9. #9

  10. #10

    Yes. Although, be warned; they probably mean German beer.

    Not Australian or Dutch or American or any other foreign slops like that.

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