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Thread: Man, talk about being f*cked by the ref.

  1. #1

    Man, talk about being f*cked by the ref.

    This local junior team - girls, played the semifinal in the cup. So there's a corner with a shot, that one of the players on the line handles as she protects her face. Pelanty, AND red card. Goalie saves the pelanty, but on the rebound, which she also saves, she gets a boot in her face, concussion - RAUS. So ten players and a field player in goal.

    The other team wins 4-0.

    There needs to be some official FIFA or UEFA statement soon about what is and what isn't a handball, what is a yellow card and what is red.

  2. #2

    they should learn to put their body on the line ffs Roll eyes

  3. #3

    Should have headed the ball

  4. #4

    I thought this was going to be far more sinister.

  5. #5

    Of course - think it was instinctive.

    So we know there is supposed to be intent involved for it to be a handball free kick/pen. So what's a yellow card for then, isn't that if it's intentional? So a handball is always yellow unless it saves a goal when it's red? But the ball in this case would have hit the girl in the head anyways...

  6. #6

    You want a UEFA statement about getting hurt in the face with a ball? Jesus wept.

  7. #7

    Not quite. Maybe a statement where the refs are reminded

    what the rule says.

    Remember that young Bayern Munich chap that fell and got his arm shot by a ball in the semi last season? Penalty - no CL final.

  8. #8

    It is more instinctive to duck, she deliberately handled the ball Red card

  9. #9

    Oh great. Talking to myself now. This won's for Marve.

  10. #10

    But men can protect their nuts on free kicks?

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