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Thread: jesis f**king Christ AWIMB...has the c**ts/normal people ratio ever been so heavily weighted here...

  1. #1

    jesis f**king Christ AWIMB...has the c**ts/normal people ratio ever been so heavily weighted here...

    in favour of the c**ts.

  2. #2

    Yes, probably. What's getting your goat?

  3. #3

    whose side are you on?

  4. #4

    Wishing death on people, cancer on people, making fun of other situations where people have died is

    all fine, but you have to develop a conscience over Hillsborough.

  5. #5

    c**tS FOREVER!!!!

  6. #6

    That would be telling.

  7. #7

  8. #8

    people just like going for shock value

    wonder if Rich ever wears a poppy? he probably couldn't give a f**k because he wasn't born.

  9. #9

    I wear one just to fit in.

  10. #10

    some years I don't bother

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