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Thread: A very sad day yesterday fellow awimbers.Sad seens indeed

  1. #1

    A very sad day yesterday fellow awimbers.Sad seens indeed

    My first pair of reading glasses nefootinthegrave:

  2. #2

    welcome to the mine last year.....Old

  3. #3

    That happened to me recently too

    I've decided you arent actually old until you need both a pair of "readers" and "drivers" though

  4. #4

    Can we expect more coherent posts now? Glasses

  5. #5

    Pah, 1 pair of glasses. I've just been told I need 2. I think he meant on top of each other

  6. #6

    I too realised this when people kept thrusting their mobiles in my face, in order for me to share a

    moment of text brilliance.

    Arms length from here on

  7. #7

    Old Although I have not actually bought them yet.

  8. #8

    Yikes I am in my 80s and don't wear any sort of glasses or contact lenses

  9. #9

    Have you considered laser treatment W?

  10. #10

    No, but I might if it is permanent. I presume my sight will continue to deteriorate

    For example the latest pair are due to the muscles used to focus I am told, not the lens in my eye. I will have to investigate

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