Quote Originally Posted by Sir C View Post
Meh. They’re all dirty commies as far as I’m concerned.
That is unbecoming of a gentleman like you, C. They were taken over by evil Ruskies who imposed their vile totalitarian regime on them. Yet as soon as they had the chance, they left Russia and would like to join the EU and Nato as you'd except of the fine people they are.

If anything we should hang our heads in shame. In 1994, we signed the Budapest Memorandum with the Ruskies and Septics guaranteeing their territorial integrity in exchange for them giving up their nukes.

Yet when Ivan stole the Ukraine, we lunched them out. The UK I'm proud of should never had done that. We went to war for the independence of Belgium and then Poland as we stand up to bullies, C.

They put our babyfoot table up for the first time, wired up the XLR leads for our speakers, gave us their leccy and then defended our right to party. Civilised, as I say.

Even the old bill were nice. The chief policeman was called Valerie, even though he was a bloke. One day, 3 of us were drinking in town. I was wearing a tail coat, like a crusty clown. Chris was a big, black Sperz fan with dreads. And Adam was paralytic.

2 fuzz nabbed us coming out of the bar and demanded papers which were back in the truck. Adam got lairy so they nicked us all and took us to the station.

They were chuffed as they thought they'd get brownie points from their boss. When we got into the station, Valerie, who'd been introduced to us the day we arrived, was horrified that we'd been nicked. He apologised to us, shouted at the 2 coppers for a few minutes and then punched one of them directly in the face and ordered the other one to drive us back, apologising again.

And when we left, we were at the Polish border and had been there for several hours along with loads of other vehicles.

I rang my parents on the mobile and got them to get me the phone number of Chernigiv police station from intl directory enquiries.

I rang Valerie and explained we'd been stuck at the border for ages in a massive queue. 5 mins later, a police car drives down the empty lane beside the queue, and motions to us to pull out into the empty lane. We do as we're told and get driven straight through the border.

They are civilised, C. I think you should apologise. Ganpati bless all of them.