Quote Originally Posted by Burney View Post
You keep using the word 'happy' in order to frame this as some sort of desire on my part for old people to die (and, incidentally, you as the virtuous one). In fact, I have two parents who've been in lockdown since the first week in March because they don't want to catch it. I desperately want them to be OK.

However, I am also able to pull my head out of my own arse long enough to see the damage we are doing to ourselves at the moment and ask whether, in macro terms, this is a disproportionate response.

Nothing about any of it makes me 'happy'. So fúck off with that, OK?
I wonder how many of Pokster's type will, in the event of the government easing restrictions in the coming months, stubbornly remain in lockdown, given that they a) are so concerned about old people dying unnecessarily, and b) seem convinced that every decision the government makes must, by virtue of them being inherently evil Tories, be wrong