Quote Originally Posted by WES View Post
And if Iranian backed terrorists blow themselves up in markets around Europe because of this, will you still think it was a good idea?

It's easy to support a killing right after the killing when the fallout is unclear. It satisfies a basic, savage instinct that appeals to many, certainly the people that support Trump.

This strikes me now as a very stupid thing to do, however I would like to think that the Americans have some intelligence which suggests that Iranian escalation is very unlikely.
Do you really think these people need an excuse to blow themselves up in markets around Europe?

I'm afraid yours is typical of the failed, weak, appeasing view that we in the West mustn't dare react to any outrage perpetrated against us because we might - gulp - provoke them into doing the stuff they're already doing anyway.

The Iranians explicitly violated a US Embassy. What response ought the US have made? A stiffly-worded letter? A complaint to the UN? Balls to that. Malleting the c@nt in full public view will give them very serious pause for thought before they try anything.