Quote Originally Posted by Burney View Post
If it were a one-off case of lying to spare someone's feelings or because they're a bit mental, that would be one thing. However, where it becomes (as it has) a lie that coerced out of one as part of a systematic programme of 're-education', I'm afraid I'm going to insist on digging my heels in. As I said earlier, once you make people accept blatant and demonstrable lies as unarguable truths, you're on the path to totalitarianism. To accept that for the sake of a quiet life is an act of moral cowardice.
Agree entirely about the requirement to lie being imposed by systematic (be it state or cultural) forces - that's the line in the sand for me too.

I danced with one at a wedding once. It was one of those totally unconvincing transers too - six foot, shoulders like a scrum half, terrible wig..........sucked a mean cóck, mind.