Quote Originally Posted by Burney View Post
Blair has said with a straight face that he wouldn't rule out a third referendum in such a case. That's the sort of people we're dealing with here. The public vote means nothing to them unless it delivers the result they want. Gobshítes.

Mind you, if a Remain vote were returned, it would be fascinating to hear the reasons given as to why a third vote shouldn't be allowed.
That surely is the biggest practical argument against a second vote, leaving aside the whole 'you dont get a second chance just because you lost' thing. A leave victory changes nothing, a remain victory would solve nothing, and simply make it 1-1.

To be fair to Farage I think he said it might be worth it just to shut Blair up and the leave majority would be bigger. I dont think that is necessarily true and, as you have said, it certainly wouldn't shut anyone up.

The only scenario where a second vote could happen is if the vote was specifically on the exit deal, in the context of accepting that we are leaving whatever the outcome. That sounds pretty complicated so it cant really happen.