Quote Originally Posted by World's End Stella View Post
Beat me to that one. Amazing the way Burney will rail against things the government has done that he disagrees with but when people protest a decision they dislike they should just 'f*ck right off' and accept it.
Oh, the protesting didn't bother me in the least (although here's a hint: next time try protesting before the referendum rather than afterwards ).
No, my issue is with people who lose a battle comprehensively and then simply keep banging on about why they should have won it really and how it's not fair and everyone else is horrible except them. It's the childishness I dislike - the petulant refusal to accept the world as it is rather than as they want it to be. Adult argument about the way forward is fine, but simply pissing and bitching about reality and wallowing in hysterical pessimistic fantasy is just tiresome.