Our Beautiful Arsenal Love

A Love Song For Arsene
by Keith Arsenal

This one's for you Mr Wenger!

My love for you is like the most beautiful Arsenal
Your face reminds me of wonderful sheep,
Together, we are like curry and chutney.

Oh darling Arsene,
My beautiful Arsenal
My wonderful potato,
The perfect companion to my curry soul.

Arsenal home shirt are red,
**** Chelsea are blue,
I like Arsenal,
But not as much as I love winning with you!

Oh darling Arsene,
Your arms are like sexual season ticket on a Winter day,
You're like the most sensual club manager to ever walk Emirates Stadium.

Your wonderful sheep face,
Your chutney soul,
Your sexual arms,
Your sensual club manager being...

How could I look at another when our beautiful Arsenal love is so strong?

I love you Mr Wenger!