g-no-really-wenger-takes-us-into-the-farcical-zone/#more-180 45

Can't really disagree with what this chap has to say...

Things are getting crazy scary heading into deadline day. Arsene Wenger has gone into war mode. It’s him versus logic, the fans and the board. It’s the last stand of mad man as far as I’m concerned because no manager in their right mind can look at a squad as desperate as ours and think…

‘We can win the league here’

If he’s not gearing our squad up for that, why is he in charge?

Remember, Dick Law and Ivan Gazidis just do what they’re told on the playing front. He dictates value and he dictates what the salaries are. Obviously that’s been a flawed model for years. Dictatorships tend to work when you have a genius at the helm, but sadly, those days are well behind is. Ivan deserves plenty of stick here. It’s all well and good playing the ‘we trust the manager’ card… but when you can clearly see he’s f*cking up the summer in a big way, it’s your responsibility to step in an make bold decisions. For me, Wenger should have been told in no uncertain terms that if he’d made nothing happen by August, the management team would step in and pay their own valuations for players. Screw hurt feelings… this is business.

Instead, he’s sat about and let Arsene crash and burn… great for him, because he’s absolved responsibility. He has the same lack of accountability Wenger has here. Which is a really rough way to run a football club. Someone should be stepping in and saying, I’m taking control here, if it goes wrong, I’ll move on.

No such luck…

What we now have is a stubborn man more interested in fighting those around him. Because look, whatever angle you take on this… his perceived ‘best interests for the club’ aren’t up to scratch. His summer so far should be enough to earn him the sack. What do we have, 12 fit players for the weekend? That is negligence. Not only that, we have a midfield who averagely only contribute 29 games between them. So this mess, statistically, is likely to get worse.

Podolski is out for a whopping ten weeks, based on my expert fitness knowledge, accrued through years of studying our massive injury record, I’d say Lukas has a grade two tear. Grade three would be a leg explosion, so this is serious. Now, if Giroud picks up an injury… we have Sanogo there to step in. . A player who looks so out of his depth it’s unfair. He looks frightened. That’s our number two striker there. Or, as Wenger has confirmed this morning, Nik B who can’t be shifted could play. Really. Can you believe that. A player he can’t stand, back in contention because of shocking planning. He couldn’t find a striker better than Nik in the whole of Europe.. Shocker.

We’re short everywhere. We signed Flamini yesterday, which is at least a body… but he hasn’t played a competitive game since last season.

You can never tell how well teams are going to do over the course of a year, but what you can immediately tell is whether your side is capable of competing for the league. Right now, we’re 6 players off that.

Spurs don’t have Champions League and they’ve lost their best players. What did they do? Went out and signed £100m worth of talent. Will they all work out? Who knows. What matters to the fans is that they gave this season a good go. They’ve shown huge amounts of ambition, they’ve turned a negative into a positive and they’ve achieved that through smart planning and decisive execution.

Arsene has sat back, watched the world improve and totally ignored all the continuous issues he’s suffered through a lack of spending and planning.

… also, it’s worth noting that when I say spend. I mean improve the playing staff. I don’t care for superstars. Best in category 20+ years old would work for me. Chelsea operate like that at the moment. Look how young their front pack of players are at the moment.

We have two days left, the it’s door shut on another window. Game over until Christmas. We might have snatched a couple of opportune panic buy players but the likelihood is we pick up a maximum of two. That’s not helping us win the league. That’s merely plastering over the cracks in our squad… and hey, we might sneak top four again, but jeez, what a lowly ambition for the most cash rich club on the planet.

Arsene has blown the best opportunity we’ve bad in years. But hey, at least there’s cash for the next manager. Lets hope there’s a new power structure in place that’ll never let us get into a position like we’re in now… the manager isn’t the king in the modern football era, the infrastructure and back room team is. Time to rip up the current blue print and start working on the shape moving forward…. because for me, this should be the last season Arsene remains in charge.