***kin' Arseneteta lying to us through his dirty spanish teeth, how else do you explain the kit being launched at the kit launch?! THEY'RE TAKING US FOR MUGS!!!

"The club have said they are going to be very ambitious in the market and have got the financial resources to get big players," Arteta said. "I think it's about time. When you compare us to the other top English clubs and the money they have paid, we are very far apart. The value of this club is the class and what it means is very difficult to match. Now, financially, they are very strong so maybe we will be more aggressive in the transfer market. There has never been a tradition at Arsenal to pay crazy, crazy money.

"I am excited. They made it public that they are going to go big and the sort of players they have been linked with makes me happy.

"It creates a good atmosphere and we need to do something because the other teams are doing it, and I think we will.

"I believe we can be contenders again but it also creates a genuine atmosphere for the fans and they need that because we haven't won trophies in the last years. They need something back. I believe in what we have but if we can strengthen a bit, then we are going to make the gap with the other teams much closer. That's what we're looking for."