i've seen journalist taking the mikey out of the chelsea fans, and i must say i couldnt understand why their treating a new manager that way, but its now clear to me, their revolting against the whole situation and i admire their stance.

yes abramovich owns the club and spends alot of money, but its not his club, the club belongs to the fans. when he took over he said chelsea wasnt an investment it was an hobby, something he's doing for fun.

well abramovich bought a football club to get a kick out of the the whole experience, of 40 thousand ppl creating the atmosphere which surrounds the football experience. without the fans a football match is 22 men chasing a ball, which is pathetic, with the fans you get an event, a meaning, emotions and a kick out of the game.

without the fans, no sponsors would get involved in 22 men chasing a ball in a park, no investors would come in, and no rich owners looking for a kick would buy a football club. football have always been and always will be about the fans.

thus chelsea fans should be admired not ridiculed, if more fans stand up against the way modern football is going maybe we'll have an impact on the development of football, maybe ticket prices and wages will come down, maybe greedy owners will realise fans will not take their nonsense and will be careful before they step in.