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Thread: Meanwhile, over at The Guardian, vicious arguments between 'Remainers' and

  1. #1

    Meanwhile, over at The Guardian, vicious arguments between 'Remainers' and

    'Brexiters'; intemperate language, accusations of xenophobia, racism and God knows what else.

    In real life I am yet to encounter anyone who gives a ****. Are we failing to give this serious matter the consideration it deserves?

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by Sir C View Post
    'Brexiters'; intemperate language, accusations of xenophobia, racism and God knows what else.

    In real life I am yet to encounter anyone who gives a ****. Are we failing to give this serious matter the consideration it deserves?
    Polly Toynbee complaining about the fear tactics of the Leave campaign is pretty ****ing funny, I must say.

    Thing is, I think everyone stopped believing a word anyone says on the matter ages ago, so all these doom-laden pronouncements just wash over us all. Its numbed everyone into a torpor and no-one is seen as being a fair dealer in the matter.

  3. #3
    The Jorge
    Quote Originally Posted by Sir C View Post
    'Brexiters'; intemperate language, accusations of xenophobia, racism and God knows what else.

    In real life I am yet to encounter anyone who gives a ****. Are we failing to give this serious matter the consideration it deserves?
    I give a ****, if that helps.

    I cant imagine that the Gruan is any more brutal than cabinet meetings right now though.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Burney View Post
    Polly Toynbee complaining about the fear tactics of the Leave campaign is pretty ****ing funny, I must say.

    Thing is, I think everyone stopped believing a word anyone says on the matter ages ago, so all these doom-laden pronouncements just wash over us all. Its numbed everyone into a torpor and no-one is seen as being a fair dealer in the matter.
    I agree, the lies and stretching of the truth in both sides figures is laughable..... The remain camp are actually making **** up that they have no way of proving but nobody seems to seriously question them about it
    Northern Monkey ... who can't upload a bleeding Avatar

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Burney View Post
    Polly Toynbee complaining about the fear tactics of the Leave campaign is pretty ****ing funny, I must say.

    Thing is, I think everyone stopped believing a word anyone says on the matter ages ago, so all these doom-laden pronouncements just wash over us all. Its numbed everyone into a torpor and no-one is seen as being a fair dealer in the matter.
    I agree, the lies and stretching of the truth in both sides figures is laughable..... The remain camp are actually making sh1t up that they have no way of proving but nobody seems to seriously question them about it
    Northern Monkey ... who can't upload a bleeding Avatar

  6. #6
    I briefly listened to a radio discussion on this last week.

    I think (though I missed her) Katie Hopkins was on saying leave, then George Galloway was on saying leave, which put him on the same side as Boris Johnson. Jeremy Corbyn in public is saying stay but Galloway said he is a liar as in private he is saying leave.

    In summary no person really appeared to know anything absolute, simply rumours of doom and/or wanting to reclaim sovereign powers.

    Eventually I grew weary of the debate so put on the Amorphous Androgynous.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Pokster View Post
    I agree, the lies and stretching of the truth in both sides figures is laughable..... The remain camp are actually making **** up that they have no way of proving but nobody seems to seriously question them about it
    tbf they have 40 years of lies from the likes of the Daily Mail and Express to make up ground on

  8. #8
    The Jorge
    Quote Originally Posted by Pokster View Post
    I agree, the lies and stretching of the truth in both sides figures is laughable..... The remain camp are actually making **** up that they have no way of proving but nobody seems to seriously question them about it
    Yes, but it's *nothing* compared to the lies from the leave camp who are just off in fantasy land.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by The Jorge View Post
    I give a ****, if that helps.

    I cant imagine that the Gruan is any more brutal than cabinet meetings right now though.
    I'm sort of fatalistic about it now, as I don't think the way I'll vote will win - which I think is a pity - but I'm increasingly convinced that the whole project is unsustainable anyway. It's going to collapse under its own weight, it's just a question of when.

    Look at France at the moment, for instance. You've got a socialist government having to use water cannon to impose vaguely sane labour laws that actually make it worthwhile employing people in the face of increasingly militant unions. All of that is grist to the Front National's mill and they want out even more than UKIP. It's long been my belief that France will be the country that breaks the EU, since its sense of exceptionalism simply won't stand for having to compromise or kowtow to others. France either has to be at the head of the EU or it will be opposed to it.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by The Jorge View Post
    Yes, but it's *nothing* compared to the lies from the leave camp who are just off in fantasy land.
    Rubbish, j. You have to admit that the hysteria from Remain has been pitched at an intensity that is genuinely absurd.

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