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Thread: Last week I had the best opening line ever from a street God botherer

  1. #1

    Last week I had the best opening line ever from a street God botherer

    "excuse me Sir,have you been washed in the blood of the Lamb"
    I was very tempted to stay and chat
    Last edited by TheCurly; 05-05-2016 at 11:27 AM.

  2. #2
    “Other clubs never came into my thoughts once I knew Arsenal wanted to sign me.”

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by TheCurly View Post
    "excuse me Sir,have you been washed in the blood of the Lamb"
    I was very tempted to stay and chat
    And have you been washed in the blood of the lamb, c?

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Sir C View Post
    And have you been washed in the blood of the lamb, c?
    I think it's mostly Palm Olive tbh

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by TheCurly View Post
    "excuse me Sir,have you been washed in the blood of the Lamb"
    I was very tempted to stay and chat
    Wouldn't a God botherer be someone who doesn't believe in god?
    "Scoring a goal is better than sex" - Whoever said that was sticking it to the wrong woman

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Alberto Balsam Rodriguez View Post
    Wouldn't a God botherer be someone who doesn't believe in god?
    No, that's an atheist.

    You see, god has to exist to be bothered by anything. Gods only exist for theists, who are constantly lobbying them for favours, preferences and priviledges. Hence the phrase 'god botherer'.

  7. #7
    I converted a Jehovah's Witness to Vedism during a 7 min wait on Angel tube station's platform.

    He asked if I ever think about God. I said yes. He asked if I wanted to talk about it.....

    I explained that the 3 wise men came from the east and that c.270BC Ashoka the Great unified India and converted to Buddhism after seeing the horrors of the battle. And that by 0AD, the whole of India was Buddhist.

    I explained that all 4 Gospels say nothing of JC's life between arguing with the Pharisees in the temple at the age of 12/13 and coming back and turning water into wine aged 30.

    But he went off into the wilderness, to the East, after the argument.

    So clearly he went to India, met Vedic holymen like the 3 wise men, and studied transcendental meditation.

    He then came back and taught Buddhism/Hinduism to Jews in words of one syllable. Turn the other cheek, do unto others etc.

    By now the tube had come and me and my mate got on.

    But just before the doors closed, I told him that if he really wanted to understand Jesus, this showed that he should follow the Vedic religions, as this was a reason that Christianity was less violent and God's chosen peoplely than the other two Abrahamic ones.

    It's basically Vedism explained to middle eastern ****wits.

    He had this weird look on his face, as though he was trying to compute it all. But he didn't disagree with anything I said.

    Here's hoping he's living as a Saddhu in the Himalayas, communing with the Divine by smoking stonking great chillums 24/7

  8. #8
    The Jorge
    Quote Originally Posted by Ganpati's Goonerz--AFC's Aboriginal Fertility Cult View Post
    I converted a Jehovah's Witness to Vedism during a 7 min wait on Angel tube station's platform.
    You dont want to do that, they're wired differently and thus it's a potential fire hazard.

    Only kidding, I'm a comitted atheist but if I had to chose one pantheon to throw my weight behind it'd be the ganjees paddlers every time.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by The Jorge View Post
    You dont want to do that, they're wired differently and thus it's a potential fire hazard.

    Only kidding, I'm a comitted atheist but if I had to chose one pantheon to throw my weight behind it'd be the ganjees paddlers every time.
    Doesn't seem that long ago you were arguing in favour of agnosticism. Or have you gone a bit agnostic on the agnosticism?

  10. #10
    The look on his face when the doors shut was priceless.

    He couldn't argue with any of the stuff I'd said from the Gospels, such as the 3 wise men, the Pharisees and the water into wine being his first miracle when he came back from the wilderness.

    Nor about turn the other cheek, do unto others etc.

    I honestly think I'd shaken his PoV a bit. Not shaken his belief, just shown him there may be more to it than he'd previously thought.

    Best wait for a tube ever, imo. So glad he was there and tried to bother me.

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