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Thread: Interesting stat this morning, blaming Ozils reintroduction for the decline of young Sanchez

  1. #1

    Interesting stat this morning, blaming Ozils reintroduction for the decline of young Sanchez

    Our Chilean wonder has scored no goals and contributed only the one assist in the last seven, since the bug eyed bottler took to the field.

    Ofcourse this parallel could all be *******s..

  2. #2

    Or you could use your eyes and see that Sanchez is quite clearly little bit physically jaded.

  3. #3

    Hey.. Don't shoot the messenger..

  4. #4

  5. #5

    Kodi is great on my mac. I had given up on the whole thing but now I installed all the new

    things and the IPTV thing

    Problem is 8000+ channels. It's a ******* to organise.

  6. #6

    and how many assists has Oezil made for other players?

    Bit of a silly thing to go on about really. But then again if someone is silly enough to describe one of the most consistently creative players in the modern game as a bug-eyed bottler you can't expect much sense

  7. #7

    So you think he's covered himself in glory since arriving then ?

    So all these pundits and ex players are marginalised wrong uns, in terms of questioning his contribution and value since signing ?
    Even the Germans have been on his back, or are they all wrong too

  8. #8

    Pretty much yes on the pundits point

    I mean he's a lazy foreigner isn't he 7? I mean all he does is cover more ground than most players in the Premier League and constantly produce chances for his team-mates. I mean why would you want than in your playmaker

  9. #9

    'E ain't got enough pwide in the shirt though.

    Where's 'is pashun?

  10. #10

    If that's how you see him, we're watching two different players..

    His performance metrics aren't great. If they were, he wouldn't be getting loads of flack from all areas within the game.
    I'm not convinced he's settled at this club.
    His early world cup performances were brilliant but he's only showing that form in glimpses at Arsenal.
    I'll have a little bet with you that he'll go down in club folklore as an over priced flop, long after he's hung up his boots. May be that's the killing factor. Not his fault the club paid 40m but it's a decisive factor in term of fans expectations..

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