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Thread: So Chief Vomiting Rage is on the warpath again I see. Can't wait to see how he lliquors up.

  1. #1

    So Chief Vomiting Rage is on the warpath again I see. Can't wait to see how he lliquors up.

    If AWIMB were a bar, Chief would be the drunk guy puking his guts out in the corner with urine stains all over his pants.

    wd Chief. You're Somebody.

  2. #2

    tbf I think he's in the merry drunk stage right now

    I wish I got more of his Obama jokes but they've moved The Daily Show to another channel and I've sort of lost track.

    Aren't you lot basically just giving yet another group of Syrian rebels more guns and making vague, noncommittal noises about possibly supporting them with air strikes?

    So, you should be happy you aren't invading anybody and chief should be happy as everyone has more guns which, as we know from experience, is bound to make everything better.

    I've literally no idea what you lot are so agitated about.

  3. #3

    And Jason Donovan's on the case...

  4. #4

    Jesus, does he not know there's already Too Many Broken Hearts in the World?

  5. #5

    It's the land of confusion right now. John Kerry says we are not at war but the White House differs

    The president says no ground troops will be used, but his top general says otherwise...I've given up and would almost welcome Hillary at this point

  6. #6

    I'm not. I certainly don't want to throw more American lives into that cesspool. Chief apparently

    does. (As it's not his life, you see, or any of his family.)

  7. #7

    I really really really don't want Hillary. B. Sanders for me, or E. Warren.

  8. #8

    I'm no expert on the US constitution but as the Commander in Chief isn't Obama Dempsey's boss?

  9. #9

    Neither do I. That said, it's pretty much our mess, isn't it?

    I mean, now we've created all this "turr" where there previously was none shouldn't we sort it out?

    If only we'd saved the invasion until after all the "turr" happened we could've saved 500bn and it would've been Saddam's problem.

    When you think about it, in many ways Bush was ahead of the curve.

  10. #10

    There is a train of thought that Obama has upset his generals over the years by forcing them into

    Retirement and ousting them from their, when the opportunity comes to embarrass him a little they take it. Personally I feel he's done all he can with regard to the wars.Theres just no winning in a situation like that.

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