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Thread: Something very odd happened yesterday. Yasmin Alibhai Brown wrote an article I agreed with. Oh well

  1. #1

    Something very odd happened yesterday. Yasmin Alibhai Brown wrote an article I agreed with. Oh well

  2. #2

    Blimey. Common sense and reason?

    I need a little lie down now.

  3. #3

    I know. Weird, innit? Mind you, she'll presumably be back to talking utter horse**** again soon.

    However, in lefty circles, you're only allowed to state self-evident truths on issues such as this if you're the right (ie non-white) colour.

  4. #4

    I'm frankly gob-smacked at how little outrage this has caused.

    When it happened in Belgium it brought the government down. Surely this should be the perfect opportunity to bury the leftist nonsense for a generation?

  5. #5

    There's too much vested interest in playing down the obvious conclusions about race, I'm afraid.

    Equally, the sad truth is that these girls are simply seen as disposable by most of society even now, so there is no groundswell of public outrage because the victims were from a class with no voice and no ability to organise.

    What is already happening is that the media and governmental institutions - led by the Beeb, of course - are paying brief lip service to the race issue and swiftly moving on to the institutional failures which, while outrageous, are merely symptomatic of the wider problems associated with the political culture. The local scapegoats will be made examples of in Rotherham, but nothing will fundamentally change.

  6. #6

    You laugh at me when I tell you the leftists are dangerous.

    We should publicly flog Owen Jones for this.

  7. #7

    It's the brazen cynicism I find most shocking. Already the party line is hardening that this is

    about class, misogyny and the failings of public officials, but to suggest it's about race is to miss the real point. The whataboutism going on is disgusting. 'Most sex offenders are white.' So what? "What about the Catholic Church?" What about it? "What about Jimmy Savile et al?" What about them?

    Anything to avoid the real, dirty issues at the heart of this: namely that the perpetrators were from a repellent culture that regards girls and women as second class and white girls as barely even human; that the race and religion of the perpetrators made it politically expedient to cover up their crimes; and that the race and class of the victims made it easy to cynically ignore their plight and even to threaten those who dared to raise their voices. And ultimately, that this culture is a direct result of a hyper-sensitivity to any racial issue that has made it impossible to state any uncomfortable truth about a minority ethnic group.

  8. #8

    Or how brazenly cynical it is to make this a left/right issue

    Saying it's a "perfect opportunity to bury the leftist nonsense" when it's clearly a failing of society is just crass imo.

    The famously not at all "leftist" South Yorkshire police, the same people who were instrumental in strongarming through the miners strike and covering up the political meddling in the Hillsborough tragedy are just as complicit as the pisspoor local authorities in this.

  9. #9

    But can you seriously be attempting to deny that the culture of silence on race has come directly

    from the left's promulgation of a pro-multicultural and - by default - anti-white agenda? The police know very well that any attempt to investigate a situation that runs on racial lines will see them accused of racism like a f**king shot. They know that that easy accusation sticks like **** to a blanket and can destroy a career. So they shy away from it. And girls carry on being raped.

    The left needs to face up to its responsibility here. Until it does, every bit of hand-wringing is just crocodile tears.

  10. #10

    That would make perfect sense if, and only if, cases hadn't been successfully brought to court they were in Rochdale.

    The nub of the problem was, and very much still is, the refusal of the police to take these cases to the CPS

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