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Thread: Charles Bronson coats himself in BUTTER and attacks 12 prison warders - because Arsenal won FA Cup

  1. #1

    Charles Bronson coats himself in BUTTER and attacks 12 prison warders - because Arsenal won FA Cup

  2. #2

    How did he have access to all that butter?

    That's taxpayers' money that has gone on that Lurpack.

  3. #3

    Lurpack is hardly cheap either, Tesco own brand surely?

  4. #4

    EU butter mountain?

  5. #5

    I admire him for choosing Lurpak. A true butter connoisseur Bow

  6. #6

    Not since Marlon Brando has a man used butter in such an effective, ingenious way

  7. #7


  8. #8

    Surely the blokes guarding this maniac just taser and Mace him when he starts to act out?

    Why would you try to touch the freak?

  9. #9

    Have you seen the filum? It's ace

    Anyway, f**k em, they're screws. Worse than filth

  10. #10

    have you seen Dom Hemingway ? him getting sucked off in the shower at the start

    is how i imagine "hard man" Bronson ( y** scum that he is) spends most of his time when not in solitary..getting noshed off by nancy boys in the showers

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