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Thread: Why does Nic have such power on here

  1. #1

    Why does Nic have such power on here

    Never understood it. The guy gets away with murder on here

  2. #2

  3. #3

    I think you need to look up what power means

    The place is full of holier than though opinionated *******s though which might be more what you're looking for

  4. #4

    Laughing like a idiot Just proves why your a total troll

    You have no ablity to debate or reason or even defend yourself.

    Your used to your word goes on here and seems mods are fine with it.

    You can abuse other poster, throw lies without any evidence at them and post all the time and yet no one bring you up on it

    You got the power on here and fair play to you. You know that you have enough back up that nobody can end your dominance on here and fair play to you

    But don,t think i won,t defend myself. You and your fellow f**ker drove me of here before. I don,t even post anywhere near as often as i did .

    But i won,t let you f**king push me of here again f**ker. do you understand that

  5. #5

    Mc he controls this board mate. He posts all the time

    on here, he rubbishs people views he dislikes and he engages only nicely with those select few he likes

    Eveyone knows it and yet nobody has the balls to say it. He been on here for years getting away with abusing people and being a dick but because he has enough friends on here he knows their noone to stop him

    i promise you other forums be harder tougher with him.

  6. #6

    Being a post whore is not the same as being in power and I think know you'll

    find that not everyone agrees with Nic

  7. #7

    Come on mate. We know he has power on here

    mods do nothing to stop him when he abuses without reason those posters he does not like. Look down below. he virtually posted in every thread today. The guy is used to controlling the theme and sense of way someone threads go.

    He is rude, nasty to people he does not like. He hypocate. he has a go at negative fans, yet rips me for backing the club

    The guy a bully, a hypocate, a liar and more important for someone who meant to be middle aged acts like five year troll.

    He has loads of friends who back up his hate whenever possible like nerg, lady g, herbert chapman

    He basically controls things mate and you can,t deny it.

  8. #8

    Maybe you could suggest that he just ignores you which is exactly what he says to me

    what I challenge one of his boring "I am outraged " or "Can this be true?" RSS feeds

  9. #9

    I have in past told him to ignore me but he keeps coming

    back to abuse. the guy does not listen because he enjoys confontastional mate because he seems to have such little joy in his life

    i wish he would not respond to my posts but the f**ker so used to being on every thread he can,t help himself.

    to post so often every day on here is strange enough. I did it for peroid a year or two back and it was bad for my health. Its bad for his and yet he does not want to admit it

  10. #10

    Just post more but ignore the replies

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