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Thread: One of the disadvantages of the Liverpool match is that we'll give 10,000 tickets to scousers

  1. #1

    One of the disadvantages of the Liverpool match is that we'll give 10,000 tickets to scousers

  2. #2

    I thought it was only 9,000?

    Get it right

  3. #3

    Indeed it is, you have passed the test once again Clap

  4. #4

    It also makes the Brian Munching game a cat A, I gather.


  5. #5

    unless you're Spurs that is

  6. #6

  7. #7

    They're the 4th best side in England?

  8. #8

    I'll leave that to your imagination!

  9. #9

    No, go on Nicosia, tell us. ;)

    Not anything to do with that Suarez fella per chance?

  10. #10

    I'll tell you if you change your handle as I can take you seriously Shrug

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