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Thread: I assume a lot of you play the lotto? biggest waste of time going.

  1. #1

    I assume a lot of you play the lotto? biggest waste of time going.

    have you ever won anything of any value.

    Apart from shilling out a couple quid a week or more
    Let's say you play lotto twice a week and euromillions

    that's £312.00 a year.

    In general I will win a tenner every few months or so. And only once I got 4 numbers and won about £60.00

    Biggest waste of time ever. Better off saving up the money and going on a big casino night once a year.

  2. #2

    Tax for the poor and stupid

    Of course I have my Euromillions ticket for Tuesday......£60m!!

  3. #3

    I like a gamble but I see people buying £10 scratch cards when I am popping into buy a packet of


    £10 for a single card! ridicules.

  4. #4

    Friend of the family won £750K a couple of years back..

    She'd only been playing for a couple of years too.

  5. #5

    That's pretty much all gambling though, tbh

  6. #6

    It's a quid for a dream, f. Cheap as chips.

  7. #7

    Tricky amount that. Very nice to have but probably will still have to work.

    once house/car luxury holiday paid for. you need to make the rest last for ages.

    I think the lowest ideal amount would be 2million

    1 million to get the house etc out the way. and a million and a bit that you can live on.

  8. #8

    Personally I think I would rather hit the progressive jackpot in a Vegas casino.

    than win the lotto.

    If I had the choice.

  9. #9

    The lotto seems to be ignored as gambling*. Also 16 year olds can by tickets

    why is this?

    *as in it's seems a bit of harmless fun. But we've all seen those folks in the shop buying far to many scratch cards, scratching them all cashing in one small winner and buying more.

  10. #10

    Would be nice to not have a mortgage though i suppose. Buy a sports car just so i could

    be a flash c**t. The missus would obviously take charge of the rest

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