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Thread: I'm pissed off that A.W. won't bring the team to the U.S. but will go to Vietnam.

  1. #1

    I'm pissed off that A.W. won't bring the team to the U.S. but will go to Vietnam.

    Arsenal will this summer become the first Premier League team to play in Vietnam after finalising a pre-season friendly.

  2. #2

    A cunning plan imo...he's hoping the Vietcong wil eat half the squad so he can finally be rid of the

    Overpaid ********s

  3. #3

    Yeah, that makes total sense, what with their renowned cannibalism 'n' all...

  4. #4

    genius, wenger. hehe

  5. #5

    Re: A cunning plan imo...he's hoping the Vietcong wil eat half the squad so he can finally be rid of the

    bendtner etc?

  6. #6

    I hope someone eats you

  7. #7

    Shrug all you'd do is moan and gripe when the Bayside Fudgepackers beat 'em 3-1 anyways.

  8. #8

    Besides, you've got Prince Harry over there atm & he's a gooner 'n all.

  9. #9

    Bayside fudge packers hehe hehe


  10. #10

    Fight they're my fave USA!USA!USA! soccerball team, bos. Bit like you 'n Arsenal.


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