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Thread: Modd do me a favour

  1. #1

    Modd do me a favour

    Stop following my posts until you've had your meds and calmed down, it's annoying me now.

  2. #2

    i am calm. what wrong with responding to posts

    don,t be rude saying i am meds. i am not. i just happy after a great weekend.

  3. #3

    No you're not you're hyper like you've got an awimb ADD and its getting on my nerves

    I don't want to share in your joyousness.

    Come back in May.

  4. #4

    why can,t i be happy after a great weekend and why

    can,t you back a team that finished top four ever year since 1998. can,t understand your negative viewpoint. i am not hyper. i am a supporter backing the lads.

  5. #5

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