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Thread: I'm off to the historic footballing cauldron of Guiseley AFC tonight

  1. #1

    I'm off to the historic footballing cauldron of Guiseley AFC tonight

    Chances are that I'll fall right out of love with this top flight nonsense and spent the rest of my life idolising a sheet metal worker called Dave who once played for Notts County's reserves but 'got too much into the beer and birds and never made the grade'.


  2. #2

    Watch out for the dog. They have a huge 4 legged canine who stands on the terraces

  3. #3

    I think you can see the top of it in the photo

    I notice that they play in spurs' colours :-/

  4. #4

    You won't be able to miss him. BIg *******. Wears a scarf.

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