No idea who that ref in the Champions League was. Had no idea what he was like. Literally didn't notice him. Controlled the game, checked decisions, focused on his job.
When I was young we were told our refs were the best in the world and when you watched World Cups it seemed true. Now it is precisely the opposite. Jumped up little tossers with no natural authority, no idea how to talk to people or control situations, and seemingly no notion of self awareness or reflection.
European refs just seem to get on with it. Can we not have that?
They talk about how complicated the laws, guidance and instructions are and how nobody else can understand them. Have you read them? A ****ing child could understand them, and probably implement them better.
And just one more part of a rant, and then I will stop. I had to sit through Carragher, Neville, Redknapp et al labelling anyone who talks of conspiracy or corruption, or even bias, as the tin foil hat brigade. Sorry, but wouldn't they have said that about the international game 15 years ago before all the stuff about FIFA and UEFA came out?
We know football is corrupt beyond belief. It is remarkably arrogant to think that our league, the richest in the world and awash with international money, is immune to this, and that the very idea of it is crazy.
"Plenty of strikers can score goals," he said, gesturing to the famous old stands casting shadows around us.
"But a lot have found it difficult wearing the number 9 shirt for The Arsenal."
Why does it matter whether players come close to the ref, so long as they don't do this
Are you referring to the lino who looked right at the horse faced c*nt as he planted his studs into Cole?s knee, then started to raise his flag to alert Riley to the clear red card, then quickly put his flag back behind his back as he realised where he was and what he was about to do and that he could t possibly go through with it?
That lino, Luis?